Makes 10 big servings or 15 side servings
4.5 pounds beef bones
2.5 liters water
6 large onions
1/2 stick butter
2 tablespoons dried thyme
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1.5 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon pepper
1 block Gruyere cheese
1 bag croutons
1. Fill your biggest pot halfway with water. Add your bones. Bring to boil until all of the blood coagulates and floats on top. Drain the water and rinse the bones off.
2. Put the bones back in the pot and add two and a half liters of water. Heat pot on high until it reaches a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook for at least two hours. It would be great if you have the time to cook for three hours or more.
3. Slice your onions however you want. Grab a second pot and add your butter. Heat on medium-low until the butter melts. Add the onions. Stir every few minutes, until the onions are dark brown all the way through. If your onions seems to be cooking too fast, reduce the heat to low. It will take a while, maybe twenty to thirty minutes, to caramelize the onions. Turn off the heat when the onions are done.
4. When the broth is cooked, use a strainer to transfer the broth into the pot of onions. Add your spices to taste. Let the soup simmer for 15 minutes.
5. When you are ready to serve, get an oven safe container. We used ramekins, but soup bowls would be good. I've seen people use mugs too. Put your croutons on the bottom, then ladle your soup in, then top with cheese. Broil at 450 degrees in your oven or toaster oven till the cheese is lightly browned.
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