Ketchup macaroni: makes 6 servings
1 pound dry pasta
1-2 onions
1 - 1 1/2 pounds ground beef, pork, or turkey
1/4 - 1/3 cup ketchup
1. Fill up a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add some salt and cook your pasta to how you like it, about 8-10 minutes for me.
2. Slice your onions up. Heat some oil in a large pan and cook your onions. You can keep it on high for about a minute, then reduce the heat to medium. Cook your onions until nice and brown. I think it took around 10 minutes for me to cook them. Your pasta should be done around now.
3. Remove the onions from the pan. Cook the meat until browned. I separated mine into two batches, because if the meat gets crowded in the pan, all of the water comes out of the meat.
4. Put the onions, meat, and pasta into the pan and stir it around on low-medium heat. Add your ketchup and mix until everything is coated.
my mom used to make me something similar to this! oh man, it looks so good and i'm so hungry in the study hall right now, even though i just ate like 3 hours ago.