Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fava Beans

This will be short and sweet since they don't take much to make, just lots of time and effort, and sadly I have no pictures.

For fava beans my parents go to our local farmers market and buy a whole big bag of them. At least 2 lbs usually since you buy them in the pods still.

You take your fava beans home, shuck them, as in break the pods and take out all the beans. This doesn't take too long. I watched Law and Order CI with my mom while my dad and I did it in about 15-20 minutes.

Wash all the beans at this point.

Take the beans and stick them in a pot covered in water. Bring them to a boil and let them boil for 2 minutes.

The next part is the evil part. I would highly suggest doing this part with a friend because it took me about an hour and a half to do it for all the beans. The next step is to take the 2nd shell off the beans. It kind of feels like a lima bean at this point but you take that part off and then it is like a cross between a garbanzo bean and a edemame.

Once your done though you can eat them! Or you can cook with them. My mom likes to saute them with preserved lemons, olives and bread crumbs, or toss them in a salad. They are delicious plain and taste kind of like a more buttery version of edemame.

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