Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Carnita's Pizza (idea from Todo un Poco)

So for those of you know me pretty well you know that I used to work at this place called Todo Un Poco which is this really great restaurant in Elk Grove that serves Italian and Mexican food. Seriously they make amazing Mexican food, and the Pizzas are super creative, the Italian is better catered by Marie (the owner) for some reason though. Anyways, she makes this one pizza that has beans, carnitas, onions, salsa, Jalapenos, Cilantro and as the menu says "it is the only pizza that comes with the side of lemon."

Doesn't that sound amazing?!

Now I have decided that I want to try and perfect it. It is rather hard to do so far. The best I've come up with is this recipe, I used different ingredients in mine here since I was shopping at Trader Joe's before I made this, but this recipe has the one I like the best and it makes a difference too so don't say I am crazy!

1 Boboli pizza crust
1 can of refried beans. I haven't found the perfect ones yet so your choice. Trader Joe's were pretty good.
1 package of Trader Joe's carnitas. I will post a recipe here though once I learn to make my own!
1 cup Mozzarella cheese
1 sauteed onion
Jalapenos (pickled preferably) so how ever many you want.
1 handful of cilantro leaves
fresh salsa of your choice (I have yet to make my own salsa, so for now I like La Victoria medium taco sauce the best)
1 lemon sliced in 8ths

Pretty much you just preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Then you warm up the beans (on the stove over medium, stir occationally so they don't burn!) and carnitas (Trader Joe's has instructions on the package it is just like 2-3 minutes in the microwave and then you shred it). Saute your onion after you slice it up. Look at some of the past recipes for how to saute. You just stick it in the pan with a couple tablespoons of olive oil and then stir them around until they start to get limp. Then you pile everything on the pizza in the order I listed it. Just stop once you get to the cilantro because from the cilantro on you put it on after you bake the pizza.

So then pop it in the oven and let it cook for about 10 minutes, till the crust is starting to brown a little bit and you can start to lift up the side without the whole middle just sagging.

Take it out and sprinkle the cilantro on. Then slice ti and let everyone put on their own salsa and lemon. Yum Yum.

Here are some pictures Chris was kind enough to take :)


  1. i heard you were going to visit katie and not me!!! for shame...i'm like three doors down from her...
